She reads a lot. To ensure that the reader (particularly the female reader) might identify with the narrator. It is also a full circle for the narrator in terms of her voice- she was insecure about it because she was told it was too deep, but now as she reads her poem aloud, it sounds clear and bold. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. It centers around an unnamed narrator- a seventeen-year-old girl in high school- and her journey to self-love, confidence and finding her identity. Support by quoting from the story. Your help will be much appreciated. 1 wht words tht simple collect trophies imply abt school choir Why is this statement false. Discuss the theme of confidence that is evident in this short story? What does that expression mean? 3. What was the English teacher when he saw the narrator with a boyfriend. Refer to lines 17-18: across the fence a big red cock flapped its wings and crowed loudly at me , in agreement too. It was mentioned that the narrators classmates used to do their schoolwork too late, what does this imply about how the narrators classmates treat their schoolwork? Why do the speaker refers to herself as miss-ugly-top-of-the-class? Gcina Mhlophe at Poetry Africa 2010 61,758 views Sep 12, 2011 677 Dislike Share Save Centre for Creative Arts 10.7K subscribers Gcina Mhlophe live at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre during. a) why does the narrator stand at the top of the stairs open mouthed I think it may be because she is not only young but she is somewhat insecure about herself. The church minister, Father Fikeni, invites the narrator to spend the weekend with his family. The narrator is the protagonist in the story. Discuss. When the narrator talks about her school, she specifies their prowess in choir. 2. 5.state two reasons For the speaker to finally join their church choir. Thanks. She sees hope for the first time in her life. Transforming Moments is an account of her experiences as an impressionable young woman while she was at school. >>] The importance given to the description of her voice and tone is another foreshadowing- the topic is of importance in the future. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. She is so overawed by the praise poet she decides to write her first poem when she returns to school. The destination is a meeting held at the nearby village. /Height 1125 Gcina Mhlophe has written many children's books as well as adult audience . briefly explain the mood during the climax endobj why is her meeting with the imbongi a moment of transformation for the narrator, The word baptized in the context of the story,means to: x]Yp[W,[(02UiPK64 At the last sentence the narrator says Across the fence a big red cock flapped its wings and crowed loudly at me, in agreement too. This confidence is more noticeable in the last two paragraphs of the story. Mhlophe may be doing so in order to be inclusive. It is also to be pointed out that Transforming Moments is rich in narration and description as opposed to dialogue. The praise poet. Hi Dermot In Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe we have the theme of insecurity, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance and change. 2.why does the narrator find it difficult to express her thoughts while she is in the presence of the imbongi? Thanks for the comment Lungisani. Explain your answer. What figure of speech is this My hair it is as dry grass in winter?.. This would mean the feeling has been long-term, and the lack of confidence has morphed into insecurity, which stems far deeper. Your email address will not be published. However I would suggest that the narrators mentioning of her first boyfriend and joining the choir would be part of the rising action. We also see the re-entry of the topic of choir. Why does the speaker leave? This means he saw the potential in the narrator early on. 2 why did narator found difficult to rxpress her though while during the imbongi Discuss the appropriateness of the title of this story? 448K subscribers Dr Gcina Mhlophe, is an award-winning poet, writer and an activist who has played a remarkable role in spreading the activism in reading and writing. =shaking the praise _poets hard felt like a baphismal to the narrator why do you think made her feel like being baptized, The seventeen year old narrator feels unsure of herself Quote four consecutive words from the first paragraph of the story that suggest her self doubt. Sizwe- the good looking boy from Port Elizabeth. The fact that the narrator thinks her voice is ugly suggests that she suffers from low self-esteem. Your email address will not be published. Many girls looked the way when I walked past or towards them and many unkind remarks were whispered behind my back. 3)why is the mans description important at this stage of the story. Discuss the theme of confidence that is evident in this shory. The fact that she wants to share her work represents her improved confidence, and the cock flapping its wings and squawking symbolises excitement and hope for the future. What does this tell us about the character? When Bulelwa stands by the narrator when the other girls tease the narrator about not liking boys. Thirdly she sees the praise poet perform and decides to become a praise poet. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 3.the event in the story that led to her having this feeling 1. 4.Discuss protagonists opinion about bulelwa? 3.states the benefits that the narrators love for reading has in her life. 2. Who in the story treated her with respect? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thanks for the comment Victor. (without a wordstaring at me.) 2. It is possible that Mhlophe is suggesting that the narrator has the ability to appreciate talent. Thats why the narrator was reading hard not to dissapoint her sister. This is a hint that it will play a larger role later in the story. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. B) why the narrator runs to her room What is the main reason father fikeni takes the narrator to the village? I dont know how I came to this article, but it is really interesting. What is the characteristics of Sizwe .If I write he is kind he became a good friend to the girl and did not tease about like others do and he wanted the girl to become her girlfriend. The narrator then talks about how the girls in her dormitory make fun of her for not being interested in boys, and saying she doesnt even try to look good. Here we see the theme of social isolation she is often alone and excluded, even being the target of her classmates words. Hence, the way Father and Mrs. Fikeni do not single her out for special treatment, but rather include her as though she is one of them, makes her feel wanted and comfortable. Discuss your view, 1 ) Discuss the effect of the simile the narrator uses to describe her feelings about writing her first poem : its like having ones first baby, 2 ) The Narrator is also , symbolically giving birth to a new version of herself .Discuss this statement with reference from the story. The fact that the other girls in the school tease the narrator about her looks (and boys) may also be significant as she is being isolated by her peers due to how she looks and feels about boys. identify the figure of speech in this line? 22 0 obj Why ? You will find some that refer to the use of figures of speech. 1.) It is an unforgettable experience for the narrator, and she is inspired. 3. I want a summary for Transforming Moments. She is hardly able to applaud after its over, because her mind is in a faraway place- she is imagining herself to grow up and become a praise poet, as well. Why did the narrator think the good-looking boy (Sizwe) Are there any sound devices used in the story,if so can you please give examples. They thought he was too good for me,they claimed he was a city boy and should therefore go for a city girl. Discuss the appropriateness of the title of this short story? What do u think attracted this boy to the speaker? It proves to be fruitful, as she and the boys become friends. 2. Just as a pregnancy can have its difficulties and then the sense of relief when the child is born. 2. The title is apt, for this story follows the narrator through defining moments in her life. The story revolves around her. 2. Firstly she meets her first boyfriend, secondly she joins the choir and finally she becomes a praise poet. It is like an awakening of her identity- she has found something that suits her, and this instills an enormous amount of confidence in her. It does not store any personal data. 6. Identity the narrators tone in these lines and explain why she use this tone. 4. Thanks for the comment Nkosinathi. One of the narrators talent is singing and she becomes a valued member of school choir, 2 choose one word to complete Can you please help me with the information of analysing the short stories for Grade 12 in South Africa. What are character traits and personal traits in the story ? In the beginning, the narrator says firmly I hated myself. But at the end, she writes her own poem for the first time and loves how it comes out. This moment- the narrator writing her first ever poem and loving herself for it- symbolises growth, new beginnings and self-acceptance. It is very much the same for the narrator when she overcomes how she had lived her life. To what she became now. What was the narrators tone when she said that and why does she use that tone? We once again notice a mention of the narrators financial status- her sister is paying for her education, which spurs her to work hard. 1. See additional later comments in this chapter ( pp. Your email address will not be published. 20 0 obj The narrator states that Father Fikeni had a soft spot on me. What type of narration is used? Gcina Mhlophe. /Length 5294 identify the figure of speech in this line. Book Facebook Email or phone Password Forgot account? This is another example of an insecurity formed by the comments of others. Her insecurity, stemming from the judgement of her surroundings, is stopping her from accepting someones genuine proposal. Id like to ask for help in the following questions . She thinks Mrs. Fikeni is really beautiful. Listening to the praise poet, the narrator imagines herself in that position. Which is ironic because that is what is happening the narrator. stream ), Explain the comparison in this figure of speech. Can you please also analyse The New Tribe by Buchi Emecheta, Hi can you please review a short story called A Chip of Glass Ruby by Nadine Gordimer, Hi can I get a summary for Next door by Kurt Vonnegut. 1.What does the narrator do instead of going to the sports field? Something that is noticeable by the fact that the narrator touches her face and feels her features. Isolation, Indepencence, Low self-esteem. 3 wht is narattor opinion abt bulelwa substantiate u answr with reference, 1. He played rugby and was proposing love to the narrator (Gcina) In the girls dormitory, too, her bed is the furthest from the Matrons. During which time i was frozen and dumb from disbelief and God knows what else The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. 2. The fact that Father Fikeni also brings the narrator to the village meeting suggests that she is being accepted by Father Fikeni. Others follow her around out of curiosity, too proud to actually ask what is going on, and she decides not to tell them unless she is directly asked. The narrator seems to cough out the chapter, what does she mean? I would be glad if you can assist me. Explain, Can you tell us about the setting in the story, Referring to line 6(describe it asstopped combing it. 2. It might be as the narrator may be suggesting that both writing the poem and giving birth are joyous and empowering occasions. If anything the narrator feels not only insecure about how she looks but also lacks confidence. I cant help with this question as I would need to read the story again. The narrator is a 17 year old girl who has very little self-confidence. 4. She develops - changes. what is the comparison in this figure of speech? 1: how did Gcina Mhlophe see herself when she was a teenager? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Do you think the narrator would have become a praise poet without Father Fikenis influence? Justify the statement Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe (born 1958) is a well-known South African freedom fighter, activist, actor, storyteller, poet, playwright, director and author. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. For the first time in the story the narrator feels as though she does not have to compete with others, so strong is the confidence she feels within herself. This could be important as it suggests that despite the insecurity the narrator may feel due to her physical appearance when it comes to others and her academic endeavours she is quite free spirited. 2 The speaker is justified in wanting to be like Mrs Fiken Discuss your veiw. If you write father fikeni take the narrator to the village where she met the praise poet and speaker became motivated. The narrator says this is the first time I loved myself marking an enormous leap in her character development and confidence. the winter sun seemed as lazy as we were what does that mean? Can you help me with this question. 2. In the end, though, she decides to cause a stir among the school, and accepts him. The narrator is used to feeling excluded and being made fun of by the girls in her dormitory, and even the boys in her class. Explain how the conflict is resolved Explain the mataphor in paragraph 4(.. And set the whole school on fire). From the very beginning, we see that the narrator is low on self-esteem- it starts with a lack of confidence about her looks. 3.what expression did the narrator have of herself meeting the imbongi? The narrator does remember a good-looking boy who plays rugby and still does not have a girlfriend. In Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe we have the theme of insecurity, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance and change. The other girls tease her because no boy is interested in her. Gcina Mhlophe speaks so little if anything about her family, especially her parents, the focus is on her and on how she became this successful author, poet and speaker that she is today. No longer is she insecure and lacking confidence now that she knows and accepts who she is. It is possible that Mhlophe is using the cock to symbolise not only excitement (flapping wings) but also the fact that the narrator has found her voice. Clear rating. To what extend has the narrator behaviors at church helped in boosting her self confidence. The narrators academic success results in a fulfilling life for her, Do you think the narrotor admires the boy from Port Elizabeth? February 16, 2020. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The praise poet also plays an important role in the story. Village People by Bessie Head 7. Has#=.wc)VarRVm^^--jyp^hv9hD[)7Zn FWfdBIly@QzJ Her low self-esteem about her appearance goes beyond what others think of her- she believes it herself. was crazy? The narrator is told by the school choir teacher that her voice is too deep, and she should either sing with the boys or leave. Mhlophe focuses on the narrators inner thoughts and feelings about the past events, and the narration of the event itself. PLOT Opening : The narrator is academically successful and teachers are impressed with her Rising action : She has a poor self-image, refuses the advances of an attractive boy and experiences jealousy and hostility at the hands of other girls Climax : She is inspired when she sees and imbongi'sbrilliant performance Falling action : She realises she has found her vocation I only came across one other figure of speech. 3:Discuss the proragonists opinion about Bulelwa A deeper, and even more transformative experience was termed 'convictional knowing' by Loder (1989, pp. 2 Her first boyfriend Explain what this means? B) too ugly to join the choir describe how the speaker feels as she leaves the ministers house. Good day, which type of characterization is this story and why? Gcina Mhlope was born in 1958 in KwaZulu-Natal to a Xhosa mother and a Zulu father. Life and career. Thanks for the comment Nokukhany. Thanks for the comment Nondumiso. 3. when the speaker says protestations what does she mean? xwTS7" %z ;HQIP&vDF)VdTG"cEb PQDEk 5Yg} PtX4X\XffGD=H.d,P&s"7C$ I have a question. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some critics might also suggest that the hidden independence which the narrator displayed earlier in the story is actually coming to the forefront as the story ends. a)The narrator is very happy with her life because she is academically successful Thanks for the comment Siphokaza. Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe (born 24 October 1958), also known as Gcina Mhlophe, is a South African anti-apartheid activist, actress, storyteller, poet, playwright, director and author.. Storytelling is a deeply traditional activity in South Africa, and Mhlophe is one of the few woman storytellers in a country dominated by males.She does her work through charismatic performances, working to . She again considers herself to be ugly and unfashionable yet does demonstrate the ability and confidence to become the boys girlfriend. 2.what is the most important social condition of the story State whether the following statement is true or false the speaker was from a poor family support your answer. The narrator feels as perfect as a new born baby. It is possible that the Father had this in mind from the first time he heard her sing. In this fascinating retrospective collection, she shares her personal journey through the social and political landscapes of the 1980s, with its recollected moments of struggle and transformation along the way. Girl in high school- and her journey to self-love, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance change. Fikeni take the narrator would have become a praise poet benefits that the narrator runs to her room what the... Noticeable by the praise poet see that the narrator when she was at school and why does mean. 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